Driving EV Integration with AI
AI-informed Holistic Electric Vehicles Integration Approaches for Distribution Grids – AHEAD – will create a simulation environment capable of predicting the most convenient locations to place EV charging stations while optimising both the usage of the power grid resources and that of the charging stations in urban and rural areas.
Grid reliability
By placing chargers where the grid can support them, AHEAD will design and test innovative smart charging algorithms to minimise the impact of EV charging pools on the network while ensuring benefits for EV users.
User-centered approach
By placing the chargers where people need them, AHEAD will study how to minimise the impact of smart charging on user experience that will test and enhance cybersecurity.
Our latest articles, events, and more.
AHEAD Project Kicks off in Milan
AHEAD project partners convened in Milan at the beginning of June for the official kick-off.
Empowering the Grid: Exploring Dynamic Flexibility Solutions for a Resilient Power System
AHEAD partners attend the IEEE PES Task Force on Grid-Interactive Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.
On 21-25 July, AHEAD partners from DTU and POLIMI attended the 2024 IEEE PES General Meeting on The New Electric System: Reinventing & Resilience in Seattle, Washington.
Some vehicles take additional cable for charging.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, or EVSE
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
AHEAD Demo Sites
The AHEAD smart charging algorithms will be tested in three regional demonstration sites, dedicated to assessing the technical and economic feasibility of smart charging light and heavy-duty EVs, and boats.
Covering Nordic, Southern Europe, and Western Europe – these demonstrations – covering both urban and rural areas – will test 12 different use cases.
Meet our partners
AHEAD brings together 21 partners from 9 European countries and 5 associated partners.